Thursday, June 11, 2015

Disappointment and Guilt

Summer has struck. School is out, weather is muggy, and our church is about to send another team down to Belize where the weather is even muggier, and school will not be out until a few days after we arrive.

This is my (Aubrey) second trip down to Central America, and while I am really excited to build new relationships with the girls, as well as revisit old friendships, I'm worried that this trip will not be like the last one. One of the girls that I befriended last year, and who I have chatted with on Facebook several times since, has had to move out of Hosanna House to somewhere in Belize City. Maybe it sounds melodramatic, but words cannot express how disappointed I am that I will not be able talk with her, encourage her, and nourish our friendship face-to-face. Chatting on Facebook can count as communication, sure, but it doesn't foster the same connection as meeting with someone personally.

Which brings to mind another point. In leading up to this trip I have not been nearly as diligent with studying my Bible and talking with God about what he wants me to accomplish while I'm there. I've been "Facebooking" God, and that's not acceptable. I've allowed myself to become distracted with other things in my life: graduating high school and preparing for college especially, to the point that everything else gets shoved to the sidelines. I know I'm not the only one who struggles with this, but it doesn't make it any less of a sin.

So, my prayer going into this trip is that God will be clearly working in the team, showing us what is most important to accomplish; be that a project around Hosanna House, or just taking some unstructured down time with the girls. Also that He will continue to work in my life personally, drawing me closer to Him and helping me to release my anxiety and distractions.

Till I write again,

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