Wednesday, June 29, 2016

VBS Day 2

We had our second day of VBS today. Many of the kids had invited at least one friend back, so we had a much larger, slightly more rambunctious group today. It went well though. The group leaders that I spoke with said they had minimal problems with the kids, and that they all had a good time. It did rain more today though during our activities, which restricted our game time to indoor games. I imagine we'll have an even bigger group tomorrow for the last day.

The rain held off enough this afternoon that some of us were able to get started on some of the projects. Several people were a part of the painting crew, painting the outside wall of the compound. Darren and Cassie worked on maintenance projects in Hosanna House, changing light bulbs, fixing plumbing in the bathrooms, and replacing ceiling tiles. A large part of the day for them was compiling a list of parts and pieces that they needed to buy from the store in town, and then going to get them. Darren said that when he went into town with Paul, he found a fruit stand that was selling Red and Golden Delicious apples from the USA.

Those of us who weren't working on projects hung out with the girls in the house. As usual it was just a laid-back time to get to know each other. We watched Zootopia, painted nails, and played some games. The team also took turns rotating through the showers, since we had been without water since the power went out last night. Sarah wanted to mention that she is currently in the lead of the burping contest that she, Mark, and Jordan started. I think it's safe to say that the barriers are coming down in our group, haha.

We continued the devotion series with the girls in the evening, and showed a short preview of the video Josh is putting together to show them at the end of the week. It's hard to believe that  our trip is half over already. Time flies when you're having fun. :)

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