Sunday, June 22, 2014


They say there's a first time for everything.

Don't ask me who 'they' are, but we've all heard it at one point in our lives. First smile, first step, first word, first laugh, first fall, first this, first that.

I am one of the seven Davis' traveling with the team. (Heyo! You can see who is going here.) I happen to be the first born, this is my first flight, my first time out of the country, and first time living off of Don's cooking. (That's a joke, I'm sure we'll all be fine. ;) ) And this is my first blog post as the team's official blogger!

All those firsts being taken into consideration, one would think I would be feeling much more anxiety and trepidation about leaving this Friday. But honestly, I'm mostly just excited. I'm a little bit worried that we'll forget something important, or that the kids won't like us, or that we won't be able to communicate well despite the fact that the majority speak English. But I'm trying to cross each bridge in my own life as I come to it.

In the end I can only speak for myself from my own life experiences, but I'm praying this next week will be life-changing for the whole team.

Will you pray for us, as we prepare to go?

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